
Placer County Criminal Lawyer Serving Northern California
Placer County
David Fischer with the Law Offices of David D. Fischer is a criminal lawyer serving Placer County. Our main office is a Rocklin, California, and is close to the William Santucci Justice Center. If a client is looking to work with a local attorney, David Fischer is a Placer County Criminal Lawyer with local knowledge and experience.
Client-Focused Approach to Advocacy
When a person has been charged with a crime, or even being investigated for one, it has an immediate, negative, impact on one’s life. It is a serious problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Regardless of whether a person is a facing a misdemeanor or a serious felony offense, every client is important. A criminal case is the most serious problem for that client, and is deserving of immediate attention. The Law Offices of David D. Fischer exists to advocate for and defend clients involved in the criminal justice system. The approach involves analyzing a client’s particular situation and formulating a plan to resolve the problem. Whether the plan involves trying to prevent charges from being filed, trying to convince a prosecutor to dismiss a case, negotiating a plea agreement, or taking a case to trial, the Law Offices of David D. Fischer is well-equipped to handle all criminal matters in state and federal courts. We have experience handling serious felony and misdemeanor cases . Clients have faced crimes such as assault and battery, assault with a deadly weapon, DUI, DUI with injury, domestic violence, drug crimes, embezzlement, firearm offenses, gang crimes, robbery, vehicular manslaughter, murder, and sex offenses. We also have experience handling federal crimes such as drug offenses, white collar offenses such as mail fraud, wire fraud, mortgage fraud, alleged Ponzi schemes, money laundering, and tax crimes.
State Crimes
The Law Offices of David D. Fischer has experience representing clients in all aspect of criminal litigation at the Superior Court level, and David Fischer is a criminal lawyer serving Placer, Sacramento, El Dorado, Yolo, and Nevada counties.
Federal Crimes
Federal criminal practice is a complicated area of law that requires years of experience to develop. More than half of the firm’s practice involves representing clients in federal court. The Sacramento office is within walking distance of the federal courthouse. Many clients are charged with serious white collar, drug trafficking, federal firearm, and tax offenses. David Fischer is a Placer County criminal attorney who represents clients in federal court, and has an office in Sacramento. David Fischer is admitted to practice in the Eastern District of California, the Northern District of California, and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Assault, Assault With Deadly Weapons, Great Bodily Injury, Gang Enhancements, and Other Violent Offenses
Experience with representing clients accused of violent offenses, and knowledge of the laws concerning self defense are crucial in these cases. David Fischer is a criminal lawyer who has been defending clients accused of violent offenses since 2003.
DUI, DUI With Injury, Vehicular Manslaughter, and Other Motor Vehicle Offenses
Driving under the influence and other motor vehicle offenses are serious. Clients charged with these crimes are facing potential jail sentences, fines, driver license suspensions, and other collateral consequences such as professional licensing issues, and civil litigation if there is an auto accident. My office has years of experience investigating and navigating clients through the complex issues these cases present. We also represent clients in DMV administrative hearings and with driver licensing issues.
Domestic Violence
A person can be charged with domestic violence for simply willfully and unlawfully touching his or her spouse/cohabitant/fiancé/ex-boyfriend or girlfriend/someone who has or had been in a dating relationship/other parent of the person’s child, in a harmful or offensive manner. An actual injury is not required for some domestic violence crimes. A conviction for such an offense, even as a misdemeanor, can result in a lifetime ban on owning or possessing firearms and ammunition, jail, 52 weeks of batterers treatment, community service, fines, probation, and restitution. Convictions for domestic violence can have other consequences concerning child custody and professional licensing. My office has years of experience defending clients accused of domestic violence offenses.
Drug Crimes in Federal and State Court
Violations of the Controlled Substances Act in federal court involving trafficking of drugs such as methamphetamine, heroin, cocaine, marijuana, MDMA, and other prescription pills are serious. Some offenses trigger mandatory minimum federal prison sentences and other harsh consequences. It is crucial to be knowledgeable about laws concerning informants, Fourth Amendment search and seizure rules, and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Experience in sentencing mitigation is often important in these cases.
Similar drug trafficking offenses in state court are also serious and many of the same Fourth Amendment and informant issues come into play for those offenses.
Our offense has experience in handling all aspects of drug offenses.
Firearm Offenses
Unlawfully possessing firearms can pose serious consequences in both state and federal court. In state court, felony unlawful possession of a firearm is an offense that can trigger a state prison sentence. If charged in federal court, that often means someone has either a serious prior criminal history or is allegedly involved in trafficking of prohibited firearms. Experience with firearms, and being knowledgeable in search and seizure laws, the laws of possession, and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in federal cases, are crucial in these situations.
My office has experience representing clients charged with vehicular manslaughter and murder. As is true in many cases, it is crucial to conduct a complete investigation and gather all available information to formulate a strategy for handling the unique issues these serious cases present.
Sex Offenses
Consequences of sex offenses can include jail or prison sentences, fines, probation or parole, registration as a sex offender, payment of restitution, and other penalties. As with other cases, a complete investigation and gathering of information is crucial in formulating defenses to sex offense allegations. For example, common federal crimes involve unlawful possession, manufacture, or distribution of images depicting children. Potential penalties in federal court are enormous. It is crucial to have experienced counsel hire experts knowledgeable in computers and the computer systems law enforcement uses to gather information to identify potential defendants in order to develop defenses in these matters.
Call Today
If you have the need for a criminal lawyer, feel free to call the Law Offices of David D. Fischer at 916-447-8600 to discuss your matter.
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Meet David D. Fischer
David D. Fischer is a criminal defense attorney with more than 15 years of experience representing clients in state and federal courts in the Sacramento and surrounding areas.Client Reviews
David had won a trial for me as a public defender years ago. I was so impressed with the way he moved the jury with his words. He was able to impeach almost every statement from my adverse was literally something out of the movie Lincoln lawyer.
I wanted to say thank you again for all your support. I very much appreciate it and any client you have is very lucky to have you as an attorney.
A pleasure having you on my side! Great job and more than fair to me. Thank you very much!
We just wanted to say thank you for everything you did. Thanks a million... may your years prosper to be great.
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- 2 Over 16 Years of Experience
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